Whatsapp Facebook Chatting Short Words Full Form & Meaning
दोस्तों पहले के समय में जब स्मार्टफोन नहीं हुआ करते थे और सादा मोबाइल सेट होते थे, तब भी लोग एक-दूसरे से चैटिंग करते थे। हालांकि तब चैटिंग शब्द ज्यादा प्रचलन में नहीं था। अब जब स्मार्टफोन का जमाना आ गया है तो लोग फेसबुक और व्हाट्सएप के जरिये खूब चैटिंग करते नजर आते हैं, खासकर कपल। चैटिंग के दौरान लोग अक्सर तेजी से टाइपिंग करने और कम शब्दों में मैसेज लिखने के लिए कई Short Words का इस्तेमाल करते हैं।
इन Short Words के मतलब कुछ लोगों को पता होता है, लेकिन बहुत से लोगों को इन Short Words के meaning पता नहीं होने की वजह से पूरी बात समझ में ही नहीं आती। ऐसे में कई बार लोगों को शर्मिंदगी भी महसूस होती है कि उन्हें अब तक इसके बारे में पता ही नहीं था। ऐसे में हम आपको मैसेज या चैटिंग के दौरान इस्तेमाल होने वाले तमाम ऐसे Short Words के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं, जो आपके बहुत काम आएंगे।
जैसे WhatsApp पर चैटिंग के दौरान LOL, LOlz और ROFL जैसे Short Words बहुत प्रचलन में हैं। इसमें LOL का Full Form होता है Laugh Out Loud मतलब तेज हंसी। वहीं, LOlz का Full Form होता है More than One Laugh मतलब काफी तेज हंसना, जबकि ROFL का Full Form Rolling on the floor laughing होता है, यानी हंसते-हंसते जमीन पर लोटपोट हो जाना।
इसी तरह सोशल मीडिया पर चैटिंग के दौरान ILY, BFF और IDK जैसे Short Word का इस्तेमाल भी खूब किया जाता है। इसमें ILY का Full Form होता है I Love You यानी मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूं। वहीं, BFF का Full Form होता है Best Friends Forever मतलब हमेशा के लिए अच्छे दोस्त, जबकि IDK का Full Form होता है I Don’t Know मतलब मैं नहीं जानता।
इसके अलावा चैटिंग के दौरान कुछ लोग ASAP, BTW, COZ जैसे शॉर्ट वर्ड्स का भी इस्तेमाल करते हैं। इसमें ASAP का Full Form होता है As Soon as Possible मतलब जल्द से जल्द (जितनी जल्दी हो सके)। वहीं, BTW का Full Form होता है By the way और COZ का Full Form होता है Because यानी क्योंकि।
GTSY का फुल फॉर्म होता है Glad to see you मतलब आपको देखकर खुशी हुई।
HBTU का Full Form होता है Happy birthday to you means आपको जन्मदिन की बधाई या शुभकामनाएं।
RIP का Full Form होता है Rest in Peace यानी आत्मा को शांति मिले। इस शॉर्ट वर्ड का इस्तेमाल आमतौर पर तब किया जाता है, जब किसी की मृत्यु हो जाती है और आप उसपर शोक व्यक्त कर रहे हैं।
इसी तरह एक Short Word होता है HUH जिसका मतलब प्रत्येक परिस्थिति के हिसाब से अलग अलग होता है जैसे अगर आप किसी से चैट में बात कर रहे है और आपको उनकी बात समझ नहीं आती तो यहां आप HUH का इस्तेमाल कर सकते है, जिसका मतलब होगा कि “आपको उनकी बात अच्छी तरह से समझ नहीं आई“।
इसके अलावा अगर आप कोई आश्चर्यजनक बात सुनते है तो अपनी “आश्चर्य भाव को दर्शाने के लिए भी HUH का इस्तेमाल कर सकते है”।
इसके अलावा HUH का उपयोग आप तब भी कर सकते है जब आप कुछ बातों से हताश हो गए हो और थक गए हो तब “अपनी हताशा या थकान जाहिर करने के लिए” भी कर सकते हैं।
वहीं अगर किसी की बातों से आपको गुस्सा आए तो अपने क्रोध को प्रकट करने के लिए भी HUH का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
इस तरह तमाम ऐसे Short Word हैं जिनका इस्तेमाल चैटिंग के दौरान किया जाता है यहां नीचे हम आपको उन तमाम words की एक लिस्ट दे रहे हैं जिससे आप Whatsapp Facebook आदि पर इस्तेमाल होने वाले Short Word की Full Form और उनके meaning जान सकते हैं :
Whatsapp Facebook Chatting Short Words Full Form List
Short Word | Full Form / Meaning |
14AA41 Full Form / Meaning | one for all and all for one |
1-D-R I Full Form / Meaning | wonder |
121 Full Form / Meaning | one to one |
143 Full Form / Meaning | I love you |
411 Full Form / Meaning | information |
4ever Full Form / Meaning | forever |
86 Full Form / Meaning | over |
Short Word | Full Form / Meaning |
AAF Full Form / Meaning | as a friend |
AAK Full Form / Meaning | alive and kicking |
AAMOF Full Form / Meaning | as a matter of fact |
AAR Full Form / Meaning | at any rate |
AAS Full Form / Meaning | alive and smiling |
AATK Full Form / Meaning | always at the keyboard |
ABT2 Full Form / Meaning | about to |
AFAIK Full Form / Meaning | as far as I know |
AFK Full Form / Meaning | away from keyboard |
AFN Full Form / Meaning | that’s all for now |
AKA Full Form / Meaning | also known as |
ARE Full Form / Meaning | acronym-rich environment |
ALOL Full Form / Meaning | actually laughing out loud |
AND Full Form / Meaning | any day now |
AOTA Full Form / Meaning | all of the above |
ASAP Full Form / Meaning | as soon as possible |
A/S/L? Full Form / Meaning | age, sex, location |
A/S/L/M/H? Full Form / Meaning | age, sex, location, music, hobbies |
AYSOS Full Form / Meaning | are you stupid or something |
AYTMTB Full Form / Meaning | and you are telling me this because |
Short Word | Full Form / Meaning |
B4 Full Form / Meaning | before |
B4N Full Form / Meaning | bye for now |
BAG Full Form / Meaning | busting a gut |
BAK Full Form / Meaning | back at the keyboard |
BBBG Full Form / Meaning | bye bye be good |
BBIAB Full Form / Meaning | be back in a bit |
BBIAF Full Form / Meaning | be back in a few |
BBIAS Full Form / Meaning | be back in a sec |
BBL Full Form / Meaning | be back later |
BBML Full Form / Meaning | be back much later |
BBN Full Form / Meaning | bye bye now |
BBS Full Form / Meaning | be back soon |
BBSL Full Form / Meaning | be back sooner or later |
BCNU Full Form / Meaning | I’ll be seeing you |
BD Full Form / Meaning | big deal |
BEG Full Form / Meaning | big evil grin |
BF Full Form / Meaning | boyfriend |
BFF Full Form / Meaning | best friends forever |
BFN Full Form / Meaning | bye for now |
BG Full Form / Meaning | big grin |
BIOYN Full Form / Meaning | blow it out your nose |
BKA Full Form / Meaning | better known as |
BL Full Form / Meaning | belly laughing |
BR Full Form / Meaning | best regards |
BRB Full Form / Meaning | be right back |
BRH Full Form / Meaning | Be Right Here |
BRT Full Form / Meaning | be right there |
BTA Full Form / Meaning | but then again |
BTHOOM Full Form / Meaning | beats the heck out of me |
Btw Full Form / Meaning | between you and me |
BTW Full Form / Meaning | by the way |
BWL Full Form / Meaning | bursting with laughter black/white/other |
BWTHDIK Full Form / Meaning | but what the heck do I know |
BYKT Full Form / Meaning | but you knew that |
Short Words | Full Form / Meaning |
CB | chat brat |
C&G | chuckle & grin |
CID | crying in disgrace |
CMF | count my fingers |
CNP | continued (in my) next post |
CP | chat post |
CRBT | crying real big tears |
CRTLA | can’t remember the three letter acronym chuckle, snicker, grin |
CSL | can’t stop laughing |
CU | see you |
CUL or CUL8ER | see you later |
CUNS | see you in school |
CUOL | see you online |
CUZ | because |
CWYL | chat with you later |
CYA | see ya |
CY | calm yourself |
CYL | see you later |
CYO | see you online |
CYT | see you tomorrow |
DBEYR | don’t believe everything you read |
DEGT | don’t even go there |
DETI | don’t even think about it |
DF | dear friend |
DGA | don’t go anywhere |
DGT | don’t go there |
DH | dear Hubby |
DHYB | don’t Hold Your Breath |
DIKU | do I know you? |
DIY | do it yourself |
DKDC | don’t know don’t care |
DL | dead link |
DLTBBB | don’t let the bed bugs bite |
DLTM | don’t lie to me |
DMI | don’t mention it |
DNC | does not compute |
DQMOT | don’t quote me on this |
DUST | did you see that |
DYFM | dude you fascinate me |
DYJHIW | don’t you just hate it when |
Short Words | Full Form / Meaning |
E123 | easy as 123 |
EAK | eating at Keyboard |
EG | evil grin |
EL | evil Laugh |
EM? | excuse me? |
EMA | what is your E-mail address |
EMFBI | excuse me for butting in |
EOM | end of message |
EOT | end of thread |
EZ | easy |
F2F | face to face |
FAQ | frequently asked question(s) |
FAWC | for anyone who cares |
FC | fingers crossed |
FISH | first in, still here |
FITB | fill in the blanks |
FMTYEWTK | far more than you ever wanted to know |
FOAF | friend of a friend |
FOCL | falling off chair laughing |
FOFL | falling on floor laughing |
FOMCL | falling off my chair laughing |
FTBOMH | from the bottom of my heart |
FUBAR | fouled up beyond all repairs |
FUD | fear, uncertainty, and doubt |
FWIW | for what it’s worth |
FYI | for your information |
GA | go ahead |
GAL | get a life |
GD&R | grinning, ducking, & running |
GF | girlfriend |
GFN | gone for now |
GGOH | got to get out of here |
GIWIST | gee, I wish I’d said that |
GL | good luck |
GMBO | giggling my butt off |
GMTA | great minds think alike |
GOL | giggling out loud |
GR&D | grinning, running, and ducking |
GR | got to run |
GRRRR | growling |
GTR | got to run |
GTRM | going to read mail |
GTSY | glad to see you |
Short Words | Full Form/ Meaning |
H&K | hug and kiss |
HA | hello again |
HAGD | have a good day / have a great day |
HAGN | have a good night |
HB | hurry back |
HHIS | hanging head in shame |
HTH | hope this helps |
HHO1/2K | ha ha only half kidding |
HHOK | ha ha only joking |
HHOS | ha ha only being serious |
Short Words | Full Form / Meaning |
IAC | in any case |
IAE | in any event |
IANAC | I am not a crook |
IANAL | I am not a lawyer (but) |
IB | I’m back |
IBTD | I beg to differ |
IC | I see |
ICBW | I could be wrong |
ID10T | idiot |
IDGI | I don’t get it |
IDK | I don’t know |
IDKY | I don’t know you |
IDTS | I don’t think so |
IFAB | I found a bug |
IGTP | I get the point |
IHA | I hate acronyms |
IHAIM | I have another instant message |
IHNO | I have no opinion |
IIRC | if I remember correctly |
IIWM | if it were me |
ILU | I love you |
IM | instant message |
IMHO | in my humble opinion |
IMNSHO | in my not so humble opinion |
IMO | in my opinion |
IMS | I am sorry |
INMP | it’s not my problem |
IOH | i’m outta here |
IOW | in other words |
IPN | I’m posting naked |
IRL | in real life |
ISS | I said so |
IWALU | I will always love you |
IYKWIMAITYD | if you know what m I mean and I think you do |
IYKWIM | if you know what I mean |
IYO | in your opinion |
IYSS | if you say so |
IYSWIM | if you see what I mean |
J/C | just checking |
JAS | just a sec |
JBOD | just a bunch of disks |
JIC | just in case |
JK | just kidding |
JM2C | just my two cents |
JMO | just my opinion |
JT | just teasing |
JTLYK | just to let you know |
JW | just wondering |
Short Words | Full Form/ Meaning |
K | okay |
KEWL | cool |
KFY | kiss for you |
KIR | keep it real |
KIT | keep in touch |
KOC | kiss on cheek |
KOL | kiss on lips |
KWIM | know what I mean? |
L2M | listening to music |
L8R | later |
LD | later, dude |
LDR | long distance relationship |
LHM | lord help me |
LHU | lord help us |
LLTA | lots and lots of thunderous applause |
LMIRL | let’s meet in real life |
LMSO | laughing my socks off |
LOL | laughing out loud |
LSV | language, sex, violence |
LSHMBB | laughing so hard my belly is bouncing |
LSHMBH | laughing so hard my belly hurts laugh to myself |
LTNS | long time, no see |
LTR | long term relationship |
LTS | laughing to self |
LULAB | love you like a brother |
LULAS | love you like a sister |
LUWAMH | love you with all my heart |
LY | love you |
LYL | love you lots |
Short Words | Full Form/ Meaning |
M/F | male or female |
M8 | mate or mates |
MA | mature audience |
MHBFY | my heart bleeds for you |
MIHAP | may I have your attention please |
MKOP | my kind of place |
MOOS | member of the opposite sex |
MOSS | member of same sex |
MTF | more to follow |
MTFBWY | may the force be with you |
MUSM | miss you so much |
Short Words | Full Form |
N1 | nice one |
N2M | not to mention |
NADT | not a darn thing |
NAZ | name, address, zip |
N-E-1 | anyone here? |
NE1 | anyone |
NG | new game |
NIMBY | not in my back yard |
NM | never mind |
NOYB | not of your business |
NP | nosy parents |
N/P | no problem |
NRN | no reply necessary |
NTK | nice to know |
NT | no thanks |
NUFF | enough said |
NW | no way! |
Short Words | Full Form/ Meaning |
OBTW | oh by the way |
OF | old fart |
OIC | ohIsee |
OL | old lady |
OLL | online love |
OM | old man |
OMDB | over my dead body |
OMG | oh my god |
ONNA | oh no, not again |
OT | off topic |
OTF | off the floor |
OTH | off the hook |
OTOH | on the other hand |
OTP | On the phone / One Time Password |
OTTOMH | off the top of my head |
OTW | on the way |
P2P | peer to peer |
P911 | my parents are coming! |
PA | parent alert |
PAL | parents are listening |
PANB | parents are nearby |
PANS | pretty awesome new stuff |
PAW | parents are watching |
PDA | public display of affection |
PDS | please don’t shoot |
PP | Peeps people |
PIR | parent in room |
PLZ | please |
PM | private message |
PMJI | pardon me for jumping in |
PMFJIB | pardon me for jumping in but…. |
PMP | peed my pants |
PO | piss off |
POAHF | put on a happy face |
POS | parent over shoulder |
POTS | plain old telephone service |
POV | point of view |
PPL | people |
P-ZA | pizza |
Short Words | Full Form/ Meaning |
QL | quit laughing |
QSL | reply |
QSO | conversation |
QT | cutie |
R&R | rest and relaxation |
R/t | real time |
RBAY | right back at yet |
RBTL | read between the lines |
RL | real life |
RLF | real life friend |
RMLB | read my lips baby |
RMMM | read my mail man |
ROL | raffing out loud |
ROFL | rolling on floor laughing |
ROTFL | rolling on the floor laughing |
RPG | role playing games |
RSN | real soon now |
RTBS | reason to be single |
RTFM | read the flipping manual |
RU | are you? |
RUMORF | are you male or female? |
RUUP4IT | are you up for it? |
RX | regards |
Short Words | Full Form/ Meaning |
S4L | spam for life |
SCNR | sorry, could not resist |
SED | said enough darling |
SEP | somebody’s else’s problem |
SETE | smiling ear to ear |
SF | surfer friendly |
SFETE | smiling from ear to ear |
SFX | sound effects |
SH | same here |
SHCOON | shoot hot coffee out of nose |
SHID | slaps head in disgust |
SITD | still in the dark |
SLIRK | smart little rich kid |
SMAIM | send me an instant message |
SMEM | send me an E-mail |
SN | screen name |
SNERT | snot nosed egotistical rude teenager |
SO | significant other |
SOHF | sense of humor failure |
SOMY | sick of me yet? |
SOT | short of time |
SOTMG | short of time, must go |
SPST | same place same time |
STR8 | straight |
STW | search the web |
STYS | speak to you soon |
SU or SUP | shut up |
SUYF | shut up you fool |
SWAK | sealed with a kiss |
SWALK | sealed with a loving kiss |
SWDY | so what do you think? |
SWL | screaming with laughter |
SYL | see you later |
SYS | see you soon |
Short Words | Full Form/ Meaning |
TA | thanks again |
TAFN | that’s all for now |
TAS | taking a shower |
TAW | teachers are watching |
TCOB | taking care of business |
TCOY | take care of yourself |
TFH | thread from hell |
TFX | traffic |
TGIF | thank God it’s Friday |
THX | thanks |
TIA | thanks in advance |
TIAIL | I think I am in love |
TIC | tongue in cheek |
TTILII | tell it like it is |
TLK2UL8R | talk to you later |
TM | trust me |
TMI | too much information |
TNT | till next time |
TOM | tomorrow |
TOPCA | til our paths cross again |
TOT | tons of time |
TOY | thinking of you |
TPS | that’s pretty stupid |
TPTB | the powers that be |
TRDMF | tears running down my face |
TTFN | ta ta for now |
TTG | time to go |
TTT | thought that too |
TTTT | these things take time |
TTYL | talk to you later |
TU | thank you |
TWHAB | this won’t hurt a bit |
TWIWI | that was interesting wasn’t it? |
TYVM | thank you very much |
U-L? | you will? |
UV | unpleasant visual |
UW | you’re welcome |
Short Words | Full Form/ Meaning |
VBG | very big grin |
VBS | very big smile |
VEG | very evil grin |
VSF | very sad face |
WAD | without a doubt |
WAI | what an idiot |
WB | welcome back / write back |
WC | welcome / who cares? |
WDALYIC | who died and left you in charge? |
WDYS | what did you say? |
WDYT | what do you think? |
W/E | whatever |
WEG | wicked evil grin |
WEU | what’s eating you? |
WFM | works for me |
WIBNI | wouldn’t it be nice if |
WT? | what the or who the |
WTG | way to go |
WTGP | want to go private? |
WTH | what/who the heck |
WU | what’s up |
WUF | where are you from? |
WWJD | what would Jesus do? |
WWY | where were you? |
WYCM | will you call me? |
WYRN | what’s your real name? |
WYSIWYG | what you see is what you get |
WYSLPG | what you see looks pretty good |
Short Words | Full Form/ Meaning |
X-1-10 | exciting |
XME | excuse me |
XOXO | hugs and kisses |
YAA | yet another acronym |
YBS | you’ll be sorry |
YDKM | you don’t know me |
YG | young gentleman |
YGBK | you gotta be kiddin |
YHM | you have mail |
YKW? | you know what? |
YNK | you never know |
YL | young lady |
YM | young man |
YOYO | you’re on your own |
YR | yeah right |
YSYD | yeah, sure you do |
YS | you stinker |
YTTT | you telling the truth? |
YVW | you’re very welcome |
YWIA | you’re welcome in advance |
YW | you’re Welcome |
YYSSW | yeah, yeah, sure, sure, whatever |
ZZ | Sleeping, Bored, Tired |
तो दोस्तो ये थे Whatsapp Facebook जैसे सोशल मीडिया पर चैटिंग के दौरान इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले शॉर्ट वर्ड्स के फुल फॉर्म और मीनिंग (Whatsapp Facebook Chatting Short Words Full Form)। दोस्तों इस आर्टिकल में हमने Whatsapp Facebook जैसे सोशल मीडिया पर चैटिंग के दौरान इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले लगभग सभी शॉर्ट वर्ड्स के फुल फॉर्म और मीनिंग (Whatsapp Facebook Chatting Short Words Full Form) की लिस्ट दी है लेकिन दोस्तों फिर भी अगर आप लोगों को इसके अलावा भी कोई अन्य short word और उनके Full Form / Meaning पता हो तो आप उन्हें नीचे कमेंट में लिख कर बता सकते हैं हम आपके द्वारा बताए गए word को भी इस लिस्ट में शामिल कर देंगे।
तो दोस्तो उम्मीद है कि इस आर्टिकल के द्वारा आपको चैटिंग के दौरान इस्तेमाल होने वाले short word की Full Form पता चल गए होंगे और आर्टिकल आपको पसंद आया होगा। अगर आपको ये आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे अपने दोस्तो के साथ अपने सोशल मीडिया नेटवर्क पर शेयर जरुर कर देना ताकि आपके दोस्तो व अन्य लोगों को भी इस बारे में जानकारी मिल सके।
आर्टिकल को पूरा पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद!
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