WhatsApp Facebook पर चैटिंग के दौरान परेशान करते हैं Short Words, ये है उनकी पूरी लिस्ट और मतलब | chatting short words full form & meaning


Whatsapp Facebook Chatting Short Words Full Form & Meaning

दोस्तों पहले के समय में जब स्मार्टफोन नहीं हुआ करते थे और सादा मोबाइल सेट होते थे, तब भी लोग एक-दूसरे से चैटिंग करते थे। हालांकि तब चैटिंग शब्द ज्यादा प्रचलन में नहीं था। अब जब स्मार्टफोन का जमाना आ गया है तो लोग फेसबुक और व्हाट्सएप के जरिये खूब चैटिंग करते नजर आते हैं, खासकर कपल। चैटिंग के दौरान लोग अक्सर तेजी से टाइपिंग करने और कम शब्दों में मैसेज लिखने के लिए कई Short Words का इस्तेमाल करते हैं।

इन Short Words के मतलब कुछ लोगों को पता होता है, लेकिन बहुत से लोगों को इन Short Words के meaning पता नहीं होने की वजह से पूरी बात समझ में ही नहीं आती। ऐसे में कई बार लोगों को शर्मिंदगी भी महसूस होती है कि उन्हें अब तक इसके बारे में पता ही नहीं था। ऐसे में हम आपको मैसेज या चैटिंग के दौरान इस्तेमाल होने वाले तमाम ऐसे Short Words के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं, जो आपके बहुत काम आएंगे।

जैसे WhatsApp पर चैटिंग के दौरान LOL, LOlz और ROFL जैसे Short Words बहुत प्रचलन में हैं। इसमें LOL का Full Form होता है Laugh Out Loud मतलब तेज हंसी। वहीं, LOlz का Full Form होता है More than One Laugh मतलब काफी तेज हंसना, जबकि ROFL का Full Form Rolling on the floor laughing होता है, यानी हंसते-हंसते जमीन पर लोटपोट हो जाना

इसी तरह सोशल मीडिया पर चैटिंग के दौरान ILY, BFF और IDK जैसे Short Word का इस्तेमाल भी खूब किया जाता है। इसमें ILY का Full Form होता है I Love You यानी मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूं। वहीं, BFF का Full Form होता है Best Friends Forever मतलब हमेशा के लिए अच्छे दोस्त, जबकि IDK का Full Form होता है I Don’t Know मतलब मैं नहीं जानता।

इसके अलावा चैटिंग के दौरान कुछ लोग ASAP, BTW, COZ जैसे शॉर्ट वर्ड्स का भी इस्तेमाल करते हैं। इसमें ASAP का Full Form होता है As Soon as Possible मतलब जल्द से जल्द (जितनी जल्दी हो सके)। वहीं, BTW का Full Form होता है By the way और COZ का Full Form होता है Because यानी क्योंकि

GTSY का फुल फॉर्म होता है Glad to see you मतलब आपको देखकर खुशी हुई। 

HBTU का Full Form होता है Happy birthday to you means आपको जन्मदिन की बधाई या शुभकामनाएं। 

RIP का Full Form होता है Rest in Peace यानी आत्मा को शांति मिले। इस शॉर्ट वर्ड का इस्तेमाल आमतौर पर तब किया जाता है, जब किसी की मृत्यु हो जाती है और आप उसपर शोक व्यक्त कर रहे हैं।

इसी तरह एक Short Word होता है HUH जिसका मतलब प्रत्येक परिस्थिति के हिसाब से अलग अलग होता है जैसे अगर आप किसी से चैट में बात कर रहे है और आपको उनकी बात समझ नहीं आती तो यहां आप HUH का इस्तेमाल कर सकते है, जिसका मतलब  होगा कि “आपको उनकी बात अच्छी तरह से समझ नहीं आई“। 

इसके अलावा अगर आप कोई आश्चर्यजनक बात सुनते है तो अपनी “आश्चर्य भाव को दर्शाने के लिए भी HUH का इस्तेमाल कर सकते है”

इसके अलावा HUH का उपयोग आप तब भी कर सकते है जब आप कुछ बातों से हताश हो गए हो और थक गए हो  तब “अपनी हताशा या थकान जाहिर करने के लिए” भी कर सकते हैं।

वहीं अगर किसी की बातों से आपको गुस्सा आए तो अपने क्रोध को प्रकट करने के लिए भी HUH का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।

इस तरह तमाम ऐसे Short Word हैं जिनका इस्तेमाल चैटिंग के दौरान किया जाता है यहां नीचे हम आपको उन तमाम words की एक लिस्ट दे रहे हैं जिससे आप Whatsapp Facebook आदि पर इस्तेमाल होने वाले Short Word की Full Form और उनके meaning जान सकते हैं :

Whatsapp Facebook Chatting Short Words Full Form List

Short WordFull Form / Meaning
14AA41 Full Form / Meaningone for all and all for one
1-D-R I Full Form / Meaningwonder
121 Full Form / Meaningone to one
143 Full Form / MeaningI love you
411 Full Form / Meaninginformation
4ever Full Form / Meaningforever
86 Full Form / Meaningover

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning 2


Short WordFull Form / Meaning
AAF Full Form / Meaningas a friend
AAK Full Form / Meaningalive and kicking
AAMOF Full Form / Meaningas a matter of fact
AAR Full Form / Meaningat any rate
AAS Full Form / Meaningalive and smiling
AATK Full Form / Meaningalways at the keyboard
ABT2 Full Form / Meaningabout to
AFAIK Full Form / Meaningas far as I know
AFK Full Form / Meaningaway from keyboard
AFN Full Form / Meaningthat’s all for now
AKA Full Form / Meaningalso known as
ARE Full Form / Meaningacronym-rich environment
ALOL Full Form / Meaningactually laughing out loud
AND Full Form / Meaningany day now
AOTA Full Form / Meaningall of the above
ASAP Full Form / Meaningas soon as possible
A/S/L? Full Form / Meaningage, sex, location
A/S/L/M/H? Full Form / Meaningage, sex, location, music, hobbies
AYSOS Full Form / Meaningare you stupid or something
AYTMTB Full Form / Meaningand you are telling me this because
इन्हें भी देखें :-  What is NSA Full Form? NSA का Full Form क्या होता है? जानें NSA के बारे में जरूरी बातें…


Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning A


Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning A2

Short WordFull Form / Meaning
B4 Full Form / Meaningbefore
B4N Full Form / Meaningbye for now
BAG Full Form / Meaningbusting a gut
BAK Full Form / Meaningback at the keyboard
BBBG Full Form / Meaningbye bye be good
BBIAB Full Form / Meaningbe back in a bit
BBIAF Full Form / Meaningbe back in a few
BBIAS Full Form / Meaningbe back in a sec
BBL Full Form / Meaningbe back later
BBML Full Form / Meaningbe back much later
BBN Full Form / Meaningbye bye now
BBS Full Form / Meaningbe back soon
BBSL Full Form / Meaningbe back sooner or later
BCNU Full Form / MeaningI’ll be seeing you
BD Full Form / Meaningbig deal
BEG Full Form / Meaningbig evil grin
BF Full Form / Meaningboyfriend
BFF Full Form / Meaningbest friends forever
BFN Full Form / Meaningbye for now
BG Full Form / Meaningbig grin
BIOYN Full Form / Meaningblow it out your nose
BKA Full Form / Meaningbetter known as
BL Full Form / Meaningbelly laughing
BR Full Form / Meaningbest regards
BRB Full Form / Meaningbe right back
BRH Full Form / MeaningBe Right Here
BRT Full Form / Meaningbe right there
BTA Full Form / Meaningbut then again
BTHOOM Full Form / Meaningbeats the heck out of me
Btw Full Form / Meaningbetween you and me
BTW Full Form / Meaningby the way
BWL Full Form / Meaningbursting with laughter black/white/other
BWTHDIK Full Form / Meaningbut what the heck do I know
BYKT Full Form / Meaningbut you knew that

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning B

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning B C

Short WordsFull Form / Meaning
CBchat brat
C&Gchuckle & grin
CIDcrying in disgrace
CMFcount my fingers
CNPcontinued (in my) next post
CPchat post
CRBTcrying real big tears
CRTLAcan’t remember the three letter acronym chuckle, snicker, grin
CSLcan’t stop laughing
CUsee you
CUL or CUL8ERsee you later
CUNSsee you in school
CUOLsee you online
CWYLchat with you later
CYAsee ya
CYcalm yourself
CYLsee you later
CYOsee you online
CYTsee you tomorrow
DBEYRdon’t believe everything you read
DEGTdon’t even go there
DETIdon’t even think about it
DFdear friend
DGAdon’t go anywhere
DGTdon’t go there
DHdear Hubby
DHYBdon’t Hold Your Breath
DIKUdo I know you?
DIYdo it yourself
DKDCdon’t know don’t care
DLdead link
DLTBBBdon’t let the bed bugs bite
DLTMdon’t lie to me
DMIdon’t mention it
DNCdoes not compute
DQMOTdon’t quote me on this
DUSTdid you see that
DYFMdude you fascinate me
DYJHIWdon’t you just hate it when

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning D E F

Short WordsFull Form / Meaning
E123easy as 123
EAKeating at Keyboard
EGevil grin
ELevil Laugh
EM?excuse me?
EMAwhat is your E-mail address
EMFBIexcuse me for butting in
EOMend of message
EOTend of thread
F2Fface to face
FAQfrequently asked question(s)
FAWCfor anyone who cares
FCfingers crossed
FISHfirst in, still here
FITBfill in the blanks
FMTYEWTKfar more than you ever wanted to know
FOAFfriend of a friend
FOCLfalling off chair laughing
FOFLfalling on floor laughing
FOMCLfalling off my chair laughing
FTBOMHfrom the bottom of my heart
FUBARfouled up beyond all repairs
FUDfear, uncertainty, and doubt
FWIWfor what it’s worth
FYIfor your information
GAgo ahead
GALget a life
GD&Rgrinning, ducking, & running
GFNgone for now
GGOHgot to get out of here
GIWISTgee, I wish I’d said that
GLgood luck
GMBOgiggling my butt off
GMTAgreat minds think alike
GOLgiggling out loud
GR&Dgrinning, running, and ducking
GRgot to run
GTRgot to run
GTRMgoing to read mail
GTSYglad to see you

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning F G

Short WordsFull Form/ Meaning
H&Khug and kiss
HAhello again
HAGDhave a good day / have a great day
HAGNhave a good night
HBhurry back
HHIShanging head in shame
HTHhope this helps
HHO1/2Kha ha only half kidding
HHOKha ha only joking
HHOSha ha only being serious
इन्हें भी देखें :-  What is RFO Full Form? RFO का Full Form क्या होता है? जानें आरएफओ के बारे में जरूरी बातें…

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning H I

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning I

Short WordsFull Form / Meaning
IACin any case
IAEin any event
IANACI am not a crook
IANALI am not a lawyer (but)
IBI’m back
IBTDI beg to differ
ICI see
ICBWI could be wrong
IDGII don’t get it
IDKI don’t know
IDKYI don’t know you
IDTSI don’t think so
IFABI found a bug
IGTPI get the point
IHAI hate acronyms
IHAIMI have another instant message
IHNOI have no opinion
IIRCif I remember correctly
IIWMif it were me
ILUI love you
IMinstant message
IMHOin my humble opinion
IMNSHOin my not so humble opinion
IMOin my opinion
IMSI am sorry
INMPit’s not my problem
IOHi’m outta here
IOWin other words
IPNI’m posting naked
IRLin real life
ISSI said so
IWALUI will always love you
IYKWIMAITYDif you know what m I mean and I think you do
IYKWIMif you know what I mean
IYOin your opinion
IYSSif you say so
IYSWIMif you see what I mean
J/Cjust checking
JASjust a sec
JBODjust a bunch of disks
JICjust in case
JKjust kidding
JM2Cjust my two cents
JMOjust my opinion
JTjust teasing
JTLYKjust to let you know
JWjust wondering

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning J K

Short WordsFull Form/ Meaning
KFYkiss for you
KIRkeep it real
KITkeep in touch
KOCkiss on cheek
KOLkiss on lips
KWIMknow what I mean?
L2Mlistening to music
LDlater, dude
LDRlong distance relationship
LHMlord help me
LHUlord help us
LLTAlots and lots of thunderous applause
LMIRLlet’s meet in real life
LMSOlaughing my socks off
LOLlaughing out loud
LSVlanguage, sex, violence
LSHMBBlaughing so hard my belly is bouncing
LSHMBHlaughing so hard my belly hurts laugh to myself
LTNSlong time, no see
LTRlong term relationship
LTSlaughing to self
LULABlove you like a brother
LULASlove you like a sister
LUWAMHlove you with all my heart
LYlove you
LYLlove you lots

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning L

Short WordsFull Form/ Meaning
M/Fmale or female
M8mate or mates
MAmature audience
MHBFYmy heart bleeds for you
MIHAPmay I have your attention please
MKOPmy kind of place
MOOSmember of the opposite sex
MOSSmember of same sex
MTFmore to follow
MTFBWYmay the force be with you
MUSMmiss you so much

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning M

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning M N

Short WordsFull Form
N1nice one
N2Mnot to mention
NADTnot a darn thing
NAZname, address, zip
N-E-1anyone here?
NGnew game
NIMBYnot in my back yard
NMnever mind
NOYBnot of your business
NPnosy parents
N/Pno problem
NRNno reply necessary
NTKnice to know
NTno thanks
NUFFenough said
NWno way!

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning o

Short WordsFull Form/ Meaning
OBTWoh by the way
OFold fart
OLold lady
OLLonline love
OMold man
OMDBover my dead body
OMGoh my god
ONNAoh no, not again
OToff topic
OTFoff the floor
OTHoff the hook
OTOHon the other hand
OTPOn the phone  / One Time Password
OTTOMHoff the top of my head
OTWon the way
P2Ppeer to peer
P911my parents are coming!
PAparent alert
PALparents are listening
PANBparents are nearby
PANSpretty awesome new stuff
PAWparents are watching
PDApublic display of affection
PDSplease don’t shoot
PPPeeps people
PIRparent in room
PMprivate message
PMJIpardon me for jumping in
PMFJIBpardon me for jumping in but….
PMPpeed my pants
POpiss off
POAHFput on a happy face
POSparent over shoulder
POTSplain old telephone service
POVpoint of view

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning P

Short WordsFull Form/ Meaning
QLquit laughing
R&Rrest and relaxation
R/treal time
RBAYright back at yet
RBTLread between the lines
RLreal life
RLFreal life friend
RMLBread my lips baby
RMMMread my mail man
ROLraffing out loud
ROFLrolling on floor laughing
ROTFLrolling on the floor laughing
RPGrole playing games
RSNreal soon now
RTBSreason to be single
RTFMread the flipping manual
RUare you?
RUMORFare you male or female?
RUUP4ITare you up for it?

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning Q R

Short WordsFull Form/ Meaning
S4Lspam for life
SCNRsorry, could not resist
SEDsaid enough darling
SEPsomebody’s else’s problem
SETEsmiling ear to ear
SFsurfer friendly
SFETEsmiling from ear to ear
SFXsound effects
SHsame here
SHCOONshoot hot coffee out of nose
SHIDslaps head in disgust
SITDstill in the dark
SLIRKsmart little rich kid
SMAIMsend me an instant message
SMEMsend me an E-mail
SNscreen name
SNERTsnot nosed egotistical rude teenager
SOsignificant other
SOHFsense of humor failure
SOMYsick of me yet?
SOTshort of time
SOTMGshort of time, must go
SPSTsame place same time
STWsearch the web
STYSspeak to you soon
SU or SUPshut up
SUYFshut up you fool
SWAKsealed with a kiss
SWALKsealed with a loving kiss
SWDYso what do you think?
SWLscreaming with laughter
SYLsee you later
SYSsee you soon
इन्हें भी देखें :-  What is CTS AITT Full Form? CTS AITT की फुल फॉर्म क्या होती है? जानें CTS AITT के बारे में सभी जरूरी बातें…

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning S

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning S1

Short WordsFull Form/ Meaning
TAthanks again
TAFNthat’s all for now
TAStaking a shower
TAWteachers are watching
TCOBtaking care of business
TCOYtake care of yourself
TFHthread from hell
TGIFthank God it’s Friday
TIAthanks in advance
TIAILI think I am in love
TICtongue in cheek
TTILIItell it like it is
TLK2UL8Rtalk to you later
TMtrust me
TMItoo much information
TNTtill next time
TOPCAtil our paths cross again
TOTtons of time
TOYthinking of you
TPSthat’s pretty stupid
TPTBthe powers that be
TRDMFtears running down my face
TTFNta ta for now
TTGtime to go
TTTthought that too
TTTTthese things take time
TTYLtalk to you later
TUthank you
TWHABthis won’t hurt a bit
TWIWIthat was interesting wasn’t it?
TYVMthank you very much
U-L?you will?
UVunpleasant visual
UWyou’re welcome

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning U V

Short WordsFull Form/ Meaning
VBGvery big grin
VBSvery big smile
VEGvery evil grin
VSFvery sad face
WADwithout a doubt
WAIwhat an idiot
WBwelcome back / write back
WCwelcome / who cares?
WDALYICwho died and left you in charge?
WDYSwhat did you say?
WDYTwhat do you think?
WEGwicked evil grin
WEUwhat’s eating you?
WFMworks for me
WIBNIwouldn’t it be nice if
WT?what the or who the
WTGway to go
WTGPwant to go private?
WTHwhat/who the heck
WUwhat’s up
WUFwhere are you from?
WWJDwhat would Jesus do?
WWYwhere were you?
WYCMwill you call me?
WYRNwhat’s your real name?
WYSIWYGwhat you see is what you get
WYSLPGwhat you see looks pretty good

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning W

Short WordsFull Form/ Meaning
XMEexcuse me
XOXOhugs and kisses
YAAyet another acronym
YBSyou’ll be sorry
YDKMyou don’t know me
YGyoung gentleman
YGBKyou gotta be kiddin
YHMyou have mail
YKW?you know what?
YNKyou never know
YLyoung lady
YMyoung man
YOYOyou’re on your own
YRyeah right
YSYDyeah, sure you do
YSyou stinker
YTTTyou telling the truth?
YVWyou’re very welcome
YWIAyou’re welcome in advance
YWyou’re Welcome
YYSSWyeah, yeah, sure, sure, whatever
ZZSleeping, Bored, Tired

Chatting Short Word Full form Meaning W X Y Z

तो दोस्तो ये थे Whatsapp Facebook जैसे सोशल मीडिया पर चैटिंग के दौरान इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले शॉर्ट वर्ड्स के फुल फॉर्म और मीनिंग (Whatsapp Facebook Chatting Short Words Full Form)। दोस्तों इस आर्टिकल में हमने Whatsapp Facebook जैसे सोशल मीडिया पर चैटिंग के दौरान इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले लगभग सभी शॉर्ट वर्ड्स के फुल फॉर्म और मीनिंग (Whatsapp Facebook Chatting Short Words Full Form) की लिस्ट दी है लेकिन दोस्तों फिर भी अगर आप लोगों को इसके अलावा भी कोई अन्य short word और उनके Full Form / Meaning पता हो तो आप उन्हें नीचे कमेंट में लिख कर बता सकते हैं हम आपके द्वारा बताए गए word को भी इस लिस्ट में शामिल कर देंगे।

तो दोस्तो उम्मीद है कि इस आर्टिकल के द्वारा आपको चैटिंग के दौरान इस्तेमाल होने वाले short word की Full Form पता चल गए होंगे और आर्टिकल आपको पसंद आया होगा। अगर आपको ये आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे अपने दोस्तो के साथ अपने सोशल मीडिया नेटवर्क पर शेयर जरुर कर देना ताकि आपके दोस्तो व अन्य लोगों को भी इस बारे में जानकारी मिल सके।

आर्टिकल को पूरा पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद!

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दोस्तों आपको हमारे द्वारा दी गई यह जानकारी कैसी लगी।

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Nitin Kumar
Nitin Kumar

 कविता देवी  हिन्दी में जानें ब्लॉग की Founder और Author है। इन्हें हमेशा से इंटरनेट पर जानकारी पढ़ना और उसे अन्य लोगों के साथ शेयर करना पसंद है। अगर आपको इनके द्वारा शेयर की गई जानकारी अच्छी लगती है तो आप इन्हे Social Media पर फॉलो कर सकते है। Thank You!

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